Happy Saturday everyone!!

Connie D.
on 11/16/13 1:14 am, edited 11/16/13 10:16 am

Good morning everyone......

I guess I will start the thread as no else has yet.

I am enjoying my Saturday. I went to Walmart about 7:30 AM to pick up a few things. I have no other plans for today.  I did do a couple laps around Walmart before I shopped. I was tired when I got home. I plan on watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel and also some reading of course!!!

Wishing you all a wonderful day!! Try to do an act of kindness today. I did. There was a lady at Walmart in a wheel chair. She needed help getting cheese and such in the dairy case. I stayed and helped her with a few other things. She was so happy!! I feel blessed!!

Prayers for all our OFF friends and families. Special prayers for those dealing with chronic illnesses and other medical issues.

Love and many hugs to all.....connie d


Judy G.
on 11/16/13 2:04 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon Connie and OFF family to follow...

Connie I am so blessed to know you!! You are such a kind lady!! GOD Bless you!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSS

Today I finally got to sleep in some...Rick opened up for me...YEAH!!!!!!!!

Got a nice surprise on FB the other night when I turned it on...Rick's daughter wants to be friends with me again...LMAO!!!! Where did that come from???????? Well it seems her boyfriend dumped her...so she wants FB again and friends again...Also...next month is her birthday and Christmas...HAHAHA like we will give her anything after the way she blasted us all over FB last year all because we would not pay $100.00 for a fleece jacket she wanted!!!! So anyhow, Rick said yeah go ahead and be friends just don't say anything to her...see how long it takes for HER to talk to me. OK. Well so far nothing from her...just like I thought. Anyhow, I went scrolling through her photos so I could see Anthony and how big he is now...came across a photo of her pregnancy stick...she IS pregnant AGAIN!!!!!!!! Wonder if this is why her boyfriend left her?? Wait and see...the drama will continue I am sure.

Ricks mom called him this morning...his aunt Peggy was in the hospital a couple days or so....and today she pulled out all the IV's and got dressed and left. Nobody can find her. Guess she can't live without her medications...I asked Rick if he thought she could find our place again. He said he didn't know. She probably wanted to smoke and drink her beer again. Hard telling.

Going to Bingo tonight with Pat. He stopped by and asked if I would like to go. Sure. Rick is going to watch football all night anyhow.

So that is my info today...been swamped at work and not enough hours in the day to get things done anymore!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!

Connie D.
on 11/16/13 9:50 am

Hello Judy.....you are just as kind!! I am blessed to have you in my life too!!

I am so glad you got to sleep in...that was very thoughtful of Rick!

Beware of Rick's daughter. You know she just wants something. If she is nice to you then Rick might give it to her. She is a player!! Christmas is coming=gifts!! I would love to see pics of Anthony. He must be getting big by now. Pregnant again....OMG!!!! 

I hope Rick's aunt is found and is okay. That is not smart of her to pull out IVs and leave against medical advice. Anything could happen and they won't treat her again.

I hope you do well at Bingo...win lots!!!

You have an amazingly crazy life. I don't know how you handle everything!!

Have a great evening!! I love you sweetie!!

Lots of love and many hugs....connie d


Patricia R.
on 11/16/13 7:31 am - Perry, MI

Good Evening Connie, Judy and OFF,

I've had an exhausting and busy day.  Emptied and filled the dishwasher, took all my bedding, a load of towels and washcloths, and two loads of my dirty clothes to the laundromat.  Then, I went to Kohls and got Mom two warm nightgowns for Christmas.  One is flannel, while the other is microfleece.  I liked them both, and couldn't decide which one Mom would like, so I got both of them.  I also got gift receipts in case Mom needs to exchange any of them.  They were on sale, and I got myself one identical to one of Mom's. 

After Kohls, I went to Meijer for groceries, and got a small turkey, marked down.  I'm not cooking Thanksgiving dinner, for the first time in decades.  But, I'm gonna cook it up with some stuffing, and give Colleen and Trent some of it.  We're all going to Trent's aunt's house for dinner.  I've cooked the turkey since 1980, except a few years ago, when we went to an old inn.  This feels very strange to me.  I'm not all that comfortable with it, but I'm gonna go with the flow. 

Now, I have to make my bed, and put away the rest of my laundry.

Hugs and prayers,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/16/13 9:34 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi I am having problems posting! Maybe the third time is a charm!!!!! I hate this new format!!!!!

I baked this afternoon! I made a chocolate pumpkin bread and a pumpkin almond bread! Both are in the freezer!

Im leaving for the week. Im goung down to see my friend in Ft Lauderdale. I broke down today and applied for a part-time job down there too. Want to move there but cant with out a job. It is for Er admissions. I hope they call but I wint put my hopes up. 

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Connie D.
on 11/16/13 10:10 am

Hello Carla!!

I am not crazy about this new format either. I haven't figured it all out yet!!

Your breads sound wonderful. I wish I liked pumpkin....there is pumpkin everything out there now!! Maybe that is a good thing...LOL!!!

Have a great time in Ft Lauderdale with your friend!! As for the job that is strange that they keep posting the job and never call. Maybe you need to call them an be sure they have your application??? Good luck!!

YOU MUST buy for the grandchildren. That is what grandma's do. It is practically required...LOL!! Tell Carl to lighten up and have fun getting gifts for his grandchild!!

Love ya...HUGS....connie d


Connie D.
on 11/16/13 10:02 am

Hello Trish!!

Wow...I guess you had an exhausting day!! That is a lot of work to do all at once.

I am sure your mom will love her gifts!!

I haven't made a turkey in a couple years. I was at my sisters and she never does anything for the holidays. Now I am at Pam's. No point in cooking for myself. There really is a lot involved to try to cook a meal here!! I will wait until I have my own place. Then I will cook a turkey and stuffing!! There is nothing like leftover turkey, stuffing, and homemade cranberry sauce. I could eat that for days!! Nice to have turkey left over for soups and salads too! Now I am getting hungry for the 1st time today!!

Love and hugs to you....connie d



on 11/16/13 9:37 am - Bradenton, FL

I have applied for this job everytime they advertise for it and I never get a call. 

I need extra miney to buy cute things for Lavinia without Carl having a fit!!!!!!!

Sorry forvthe double pist but the forum is acting weird!


image hosting site

on 11/16/13 10:25 am

Yesterday and today I washed and dried all the flannel fabric I bought to make pajama pants.  My motivation to learn how to sew pajama pants is that I'm tired of buying them and washing them once and having them be high waters.  I'm 5" 61/2" with a long torso and normal length legs so I have no clue as to why they are too short on me.  For a few months I was able to wear men's small pajama pants to get the correct length but that size is now to big on me and they didn't come in cute or girly patterns.  Joann's had flannel on sale this week at a great price and I went to a few times.  I now have enough fabric to make 15 pairs of pajama pants!  I'm half way through making a pair today.  I better get off the computer so I can finish them.


 VSG on 4-2-12    HW: 335    CW: 126    Height: 5 ft 6.5 in   

 There is no finish line!  



Connie D.
on 11/17/13 6:20 am

Hello Pix.....I am short and have the opposite problem....everything is too long....I have to but juniors most times!!

I hope you post pics of your CUTE pajama bottoms. Like I said before I envy you your sewing talents. 15 pairs...WOW!!!

Love and hugs......connie d

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